Thank you for all of the get well wishes, they are truly amazing and they help so much to continue this fight.
I’ll put the disclaimer in now cos, I’m still as thick as mince and apologies for any grammar or spelling mistakes.
It’s been over 3 weeks since I have had my last treatment, this is to fall into line with the Royal Hallamshire hospital in Sheffield. In Sheffield I will going there for my stem cell transplant and they want me plump and full of chemo for when I go there. Bunch of sadistic bastards really!!
I have really enjoyed the break and I can final feel free of the chemicals and drugs in my system, you take smelling and tasting things for granted while under treatment and when it returns, it’s truly fantastic.
At my last consultant meeting I cheekily asked about the prospect of having a weeks holiday in the sun and to my surprise, I was told yes I could. But you MUST have travel insurance was the only real proviso that I got told.
On returning home with the good news of going to sunnier climes, we set about looking for flights and dates. All was possible until I enquired about travel insurance, 1 company wouldn’t insure me, 1 said yes but it was over £500 for 1 week cover and the best I found was £220. And these companies have all dealt with Macmillan in the past. It was then we realised it was a none starter so we ended up having a mini road trip in the north.
We met up with Craig and Tracey and the kids for 1 night and then headed to Holy Island, which was just what we needed. I think we sat and watched the seals for about an hour and basically took in the fresh air for the best part of the day.
From there we headed to the Lake District and a tiny little village called Orton, we stayed at Orton Hall and I can highly recommend it. Mel’s face was a picture when the village was less than a mile wide, no internet and the nearest supermarket was 11 miles away.
We completely recharged the batteries, fresh air is so amazing after you live in a busy city, the views were stunning and sheep and cows living on our door step. Bloody hell.........I’m getting old!! Having lunch with my Dad and Linda was so nice, to see them and catch up was perfect. We went to the theatre, road on a paddle steamer over Ullswater and plodged around Windermere in the pouring rain.
That week was the perfect filet we needed to prepare us for what’s ahead because for the next 2 months, my ass belongs to hospitals.
On Friday, I’m off for a PET scan in Sheffield and then on the way home I have to drop into Chesterfield hospital for a heart scan (I’m thinking their still shocked they found one the first time round). Next Tuesday I’m back into Chesterfield hospital for my last 6 days session of chemo, then get out on the Monday and on the Friday, the ‘harvest’ begins for me stem cell transplant. 5 days of injections before I’m in Sheffield for them to take my stem cells out........WTF??
Thankfully I get a couple of weeks break before I’m admitted back to Sheffield for 4 weeks (and I apologise to all my Sheffield friends), Sheffield is a beautiful city and I’m really looking forward to experience the history and culture from my 14th floor window.
Within the first week I will have 6 days of the strongest chemo and on day 7 they give me my stem cells back and then 3 weeks of recovery........a fucking doddle!! That should take me too the beginning of December and then I’ll find out where I stand with how the treatment has gone. Finger and toes crossed for good news and I may even try and plat my own piss??
I always talk about goals and plans and we have plans to in place for the New Year, that would make Judith Chalmers (or my cousin Louise) embarrassed. Our passports will need an ice bath by the time we get done and I fully intend to bloody well enjoying myself.
So, I will sign off, maybe not as inspiring as the other blogs but I just wanted to give an idea of what is coming next and the fact that I’m still alive!!
Remember by nice to the next person you see and don’t forget your rocking chair. Many thanks if you’ve got this far without dropping off.
Take care and much love ❤️
Hope its going as well as can be expected Tony and glad you enjoyed the break. Keep battling big man, we have your back.
Inspirational stuff Tony, what better place to re charge the batteries than back up North.
Best wishes for the next few weeks ahead